The Unexpected at Post 6

steak-night-2016We are entering a new phase of our post revitalization program.  We are doing even more things “out of the box.”  One example is a recent post meeting dinner.  Our post commander, William Munsee, asked, “What do you think about a grilled steak night? We’ll do grilled salmon for those who want fish?”

We then polled the members about a one-time event change– increasing our cost to members for the better meal and the project was a go.

How did it go?  It was great.  We had 65 members there, including the Ladies Auxiliary in attendance.  Bob Medred suggested we pull out of storage our china dinnerware, stainless flatware, and steak knives.  It was a fun-filled night with busy people joining in to help setup, prepare food inside and outside, mingling, meeting and greeting and more.

You can see pictures by clicking on this link or the photo above.  Click here

Have your renewed your post dues?  Current 2016 dues expire in December.  Don’t delay and miss out on upcoming events.