Officer Manuals

The American Legion provides training at the post level, at NC Legion College, at Division meetings, at National Legion College, and Basic Training online through The American Legion Extension Institute

Training support manuals and guides are available at (you must register online using your member number).

The most important manual for members and officers is The American Legion Officer’s Guide and Manual of Ceremonies.  This is the “go to” book that your Adjutant and Leadership use to manage the Post.  Check it out on line and if you use the Chrome browser, you can do a search of the manual for key phrases or topics.  Just click on the link and you can download a copy.  DOWNLOAD MANUAL

Your Adjutant highly recommends you enroll in and take the Basic Training Course.  It is easily completed online and you will receive a graduation certificate.  This course tells your story and will give you to tools you need to better understand the organization, history, procedures, and other things that govern The American Legion.