Starting Our Second 100 Years

As you look around the new post you will see member-provided memorabilia.  Items will appear on the walls.  There are command plaques, paintings, pictures and more.  There are also some items that have a history…a Post historical item.  It could be a flag, book, map, or decor.  All these things decorate our post in the same way that we post things around our own homes, dens, offices, and yards.  

An example of a post historical item appears behind the lounge bar.  There are service seals mounted on the  wall.  The seals were sewn by an Auxiliary member, Lisa Ann Heavlin.  She was determined to make our Legion Road Post Home more attractive.  The seals were one of the many items she contributed.  We watched her gather her fabric, measure the old bar area, and put her ideas for an attractive display together.  Lisa was an Auxiliary officer at the time.  Sadly, we lost Lisa due to an extended illness, but her contributions, the seals, were selected for the journey from our old home to our new home.

Our post history is important.  We’ll do our best to catalog and display personal and post items.  They deserve protection and recognition.  Someday they will be seen by younger vets and new post members.  Our history remains and grows.  It is with us long after the donor, activity or honor has passed from memory.  Maybe we can keep their contributions alive by proudly displaying “our history,” and your service stories.

Yes, your service stories are of interest to many and as we learn of them we  share them with other post members in our newsletters and website.   Upcoming stories include Bob Bauman, Pete Jaeger, Top Jackson, the four generation Horner family, and Nick Ladd. You can read some of our earlier stories under the header topic, Our Heroes.   Coming soon is Post History where we will post stories from our first hundred years and more.

You, too, can loan or donate items to the post’s historical collection and museum.  We are looking for service station and command plaques for permanent display.  We have lots of aviation decor.  We need “women in uniform,” naval service, infantry, airborne, Coast Guard, and other items to complete our displays.  Contact 3rd Vice Commander for additional information.