Post Yard Sale

We want to host a huge Yard Sale to benefit the post in the near future.  Would you be interested?  If so, reach out to [email protected] and let them know.

  • When could it be?     Anytime there are no conflicts on the Post Calendar
  • Possible Time:                  8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • Address:   American Legion Chapel Hill Post 6, 3700 Hwy 54W, Chapel Hill, NC 27516

Once you set a event date and it is approved for the calendar, we can generate the flyers and social media notifications to bring the people.  Remember, “Built it and they will come”.  We have Built it and not we have to give them a reason to come see our facility.

There is a lot to maintaining a post for use by veterans, scouts, and community service programs. Support of the sale also includes funding for Boys State and improvements to our facilities.

Items were on display both indoors and outdoors. Our yard sales are open to everyone and there is lots of off road parking. Items include furniture, housewares, electronics, knickknacks, and much more,

Want to donate items to the post for a future sale? The post is not now accepting items, as we have not set a date for a 2014 event.   However, if you have an item that might be useful in post operations, let us know.

We are always looking for tools, picnic tables, new excess treated wood for outdoor projects, a large storage shed for tractors, lounge furnishings for our post lounge, office furniture and equipment, and more.  Contact post

All proceeds from donated items are to benefit American Legion Post 6. Tax receipts are provided as we are a 502c(19) war veterans organizations.  Donations are tax deductible.