Orange County Veterans Memorial

The Chapel Hill Town Council approved the concept plan for a Veterans Memorial at Chapel Hill at their regularly scheduled April 22, 2013, town council meeting.


Rusty Edmister, Veterans of Foreign Wars Chapel Hill Post 9100 and Jim Stallings, representing the American Legion as well as the VFW and Lions Club, spoke on behalf of the memorial.  They spoke with passion and strongly supported the memorial.  

Our veterans memorial has evolved and is now the Orange County Veterans Memorial at Chapel Hill on Homestead Rd above the Seymour Center.   Phase II of construction is underway as are brick paver sales.

The final design will evolve as the Veterans Memorial Committee considers options and takes stock of fundraising efforts.  The final product is dependent on funds raised.  Visit the memorial’s website.

The local media covered the town council meeting and here are their reports:

  • Chapel Hill may build veterans memorial – The Daily Tar Heel – Former council member Jim Merritt petitioned the council in 2009 to build a memorial in honor of local veterans. Butch Kisiah, director of Chapel Hill’s …  Read story
  • CHTC OK’s Veterans Memorial Concept Plan –  – CHAPEL HILL- The Chapel Hill Town Council endorsed a plan to build a veterans memorial at the Chapel Hill Memorial Cemetery, but council members say they …  Read story
  • Council approves concept for veterans’ memorial – Durham Herald Sun – In an interview following the council’s decision, Merritt, who chaired the Chapel Hill Veterans Memorial Design Committee, said he was pleased to be moving …  Read story