Veterans Day Week of Events in Our Area

veterans-day-adMany have contacted the Post asking about events scheduled to recognize Veterans Day.  Many of the following events appear as featured stories in the News section of this site.  You can print this page and share it with friends.  We hope you will attend most, if not all of the events.

Chapel Hill K9 Unit Demo at Post – Nov 8

The Chapel Hill K9 Unit frequents our post to train new K9 cadets and maintain the skills of both officer and K9 dogs.  We see them often and we enjoy watching and observing them in action.  This coming Tuesday, they will be working out at the post at about 5 pm and post members are welcome to observe them in training.  The time is approximately 5 pm., Tuesday, November 8th.  See:

NC Memorial Hospital Recognizes Veterans – Nov 10

The NC Memorial Hospital is again honoring veterans and veteran employees in in the NC CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL lobby on THURSDAY, November 10th, at 2 pm.  See:

Veterans Day Events Hillsborough – Nov 11

Veterans Day 2016 starts at the Hillsborough Senior Center with a breakfast hosted by The Orange County Department on Aging. Veterans are invited to a free breakfast hosted in their honor on Friday, Nov. 11, from 8:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) Danny W. Hassell, U.S. Army, will be the guest speaker. The breakfast will take place at the Passmore Center, which is located at 103 Meadowlands Drive in Hillsborough.  See:

Veterans Day Breakfast and Orange County Veterans Memorial Site Dedication – Nov 11

See Hillsborough event above.  It is followed by: After the breakfast, guests are invited to the Orange County Veterans Memorial Site Dedication. The ceremony will take place at 11 a.m. at the memorial site that is adjacent to Southern Human Services campus located at 2501 Homestead Road in Chapel Hill. There is a fundraising reception following the dedication.  See:

Veterans Day at UNC Chapel Hill Alumni Veterans Memorial – Nov 11

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill will honor veterans and active duty members of the armed services during an annual Veterans Day ceremony at a memorial devoted to alumni military members at 11 a.m. on Friday (Nov. 11).

Hosted by the University’s Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) programs, the free, public event is also for families, students, faculty, staff and the local community. The event will be held at the Carolina Alumni Memorial in Memory of Those Lost in Military Service, located off Cameron Avenue between Phillips and Memorial halls. The rain site is FedEx Global Education Center’s Nelson Mandela Hall.  For more details see:

Veterans Day at St. Thomas More School – Nov 14th

St. Thomas More Catholic Church school is holding a Veterans Day recognition event, “Honoring Men and Women of Service Day” Monday, November 14th. The school asks that all veterans join in and asks that you would spread the following invitation to our special day with the students.  See: