You’ve Earned Them, Wear Them with Pride

Yes, veterans can wear their medals on Memorial Day, along with other military events and gatherings.  Since 911, many veterans started wearing their medals on holidays

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For Over a Century, We’ve Honored the Dead

On Saturday, May 25th, at about 7:15 am when most of Chapel Hill will be just rolling over in their bed or racing to the kitchen before the kids start “cooking” breakfast, many of our veterans will already have been up about two hours.  It will be the morning that they head to Chapel Hill Memorial Cemetery.  Over 500 graves there belong to a veteran.  That does not even come close to the total number of veterans buried there.  Many do not have a government-provided grave marker.

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Post 6 Chapel Hill Hosts NC Pork Council Event

If you missed our Hog Event last weekend, your loss.  This reporter visited Friday night to wish the teams well, scout out the program, “grin-hug-and grip,” and cheer them on.  As I crested the entrance hill, I was immediately greeted by a gaggle of RVs set up for the night.  These guys take their pig events seriously.  Everyone was smiling, bragging, and anxiously awaiting the arrival of the the pigs.  Cookers were at the ready.

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Memorial Day Events 2023

Memorial Day is more than a day of shopping or a weekend away. Share your history by visiting a local memorial, cemetery, or our post home. Share your family story of men and women who have answered the call to serve their adopted home. We are a nation of pioneers and immigrants.

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Post Elections Are Upon Us

Our Nominations Committee reports out on Thursday, April 6th, at the PEC meeting. That report will include a list of candidates for Post Year 2023-2024. This list is not the post ballot. We will call for additional candidates from the floor during our April 11th meeting. Are you interested? Watch for information from the Adjutant.

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