Department Conferences

department-conference-women-vetsThe Department of North Carolina, American Legion, hold several conferences in Raleigh and then an annual State Convention.  This is in addition to Legion College.

To grow as a Legionnaire, you should consider attending some of the meetings at the state conferences.  You should definitely attend meeting dealing with post management, Boy Scouting, Post Revitalization, Membership, and much more.  Click here to see a typical event schedule.

Click here to see photos of typical conference events.

Committees and Commissions also meet at the conferences.  You are sure to learn much attending their sessions.

You can also load up on military ball caps, accessories, and speak with vendors and members of other non-profit groups that support our veterans.  The VA and the North Carolina Veterans Service Officers are also there.  But, maybe one of the best things is having fun as you mingle and get to know other veterans from the many posts scattered all over North Carolina.  You may make a few friends and hit the road for a tour of interesting posts.