Veterans Day at St Thomas More Church School

stm-school-2016-vets-dayAmerican Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars veterans joined other local active duty, reserve, and veterans at St. Thomas More Church School for a Veterans Day Recognition Day.

The school waited until after Veterans Day to ensure all students of the school could participate.  There was coffee and a light breakfast for the men and women who served their country, followed by personal introductions of all guests, a formal flag raising ceremony, and class visits.  The flag ceremony was held indoors and is traditionally held outside at the school plaza.

The veterans were received in the classrooms with the children asking questions as to what the veterans did and why they joined.  They were also interested in uniforms, education, travel, and people met in travels.

We thank St. Thomas More School for inviting us to participate in this annual event.  Here are some pictures of the activities.  See photos