Troop 505 Scout Wins High Adventure Award

The American Legion, Department of North Carolina, announced today the selection of Harrison Czajkowski, Troop 505, as the Department of North Carolina winner of the Boy Scout High Adventure Awards.

The Department Boy Scout Committee selects a High Adventure Award winner from each of the 5 divisions in the department. The Boy Scouts who win this award receive a $1000.00 scholarship towards attendance at any of the recognized “high adventure” programs sponsored by the Boy Scouts of America.

The Boy Scouts of America operates several high adventure bases at the national level. Each offers a wide range of programs and training. A typical core program may include sailing, wilderness canoeing or wilderness backpacking trips. These bases are administered by the High Adventure Division of the National Council.

There are many opportunities for Scouts and Scout Leaders to receive public recognition from the Department of North Carolina for their efforts in their community. Awards and recognition are not restricted to Charter Post troops. All local troops are eligible. Learn more

Chapel Hill Post 6 was proud to nominate scout Czajkowski for this award.  Scout Czajkowski also built new picnic tables for our post as his Eagle Scout project.

Harrison will receive his award and plaque on Friday, June 14, 2013, at approximately 1:00 p.m., during the opening of the American Legion 2013 Annual Convention at the North Raleigh Hilton.