American Legion National Websites

If you haven’t been poking around the American Legion’s public website, you are missing lots and lots of good information and helpful tools.  The address is simply

The site is augmented with the member and post support website,

This reporter gets requests for information about the Legion.  Topics frequently requested are about organization, programs, leadership, and reports.  Questions also come up about meeting organization and procedure, protocol, caps, membership requirements, and veterans service.  The answers to these and many other questions are at one of these two sites.

Anyone can quickly and easily locate answers by visiting either site or by doing a Google search for the topic in question.  Here’s an example.  Let’s say you need the rules (national) for Boys State.  Just open and search for “American Legion Boys State.”  There will be a lot of responses, but the first few on display will be what you are looking for.  In this case it is:

Looking for North Carolina Department  news and program information?  Visit, but that’s another story.

Take a look for yourself.  Poke around and learn more about Your American Legion.  You soon find yourself a valuable local post resource for all things American Legion.