American Legion App for VA Claims

In a weekend discussion with another Legionnaire, this reporter found out that there is an App for smartphones that helps you prepare to build a VA Claim.  Just think about that.  You can have ready access to information on what is needed to build and submit a VA claim for healthcare or disability.  

Claims CoachWant to learn more?  Go the American Legion national website and click on Media and there it is, American Legion Claims Coach under Mobile Apps for your Android or iPhone.    You can build checklists, locate Service Officers, and make appointments.  While there, why not consider the related PTSD Coach App.

Take a look.  Share the information.  Help make a difference in our town.

Use this, and the many other resources of the American Legion, to help veterans and their families.  It is just another reason why they should join the American Legion in Chapel Hill.  Learn more