Mentoring and Networking

Networking and mentoring has been one of the strengths of the American Legion and veterans organizations.  Veterans returned home or came to Chapel Hill.  They went to school or entered college, married, started a business or built a new career.  They banded together in Chapel Hill to help each other.

Vets from all over the state frequently  gather to share ideas and concerns.
Vets from all over the state frequently gather to share ideas and concerns.

We have welcomed veterans that became state legislators, judges, lawyers, town leaders, firemen, policemen, doctors, surgeons, writers, educators, carpenters, builders, Realtors, salesmen, farmers,  and so much more.  We have even provided many leaders to the American Legion Department of North Carolina.  At least two went on to be State Commander.

Members would head to the post to see what was going on and to chat with fellow veterans.  They would build strategies, share ideas, inform, suggest, kick around ideas, and promote their interests.  Today, we call it Networking!

Veterans in Chapel Hill have been doing this for 94 years!  Their businesses grew as did their families.

Our post grew from a log cabin hut on Rosemary Street to our 35+ acre current post home site.  Their families grew right along with the post.  Frank Horner and his family is now in its fourth generation at Post 6!  The Horners watched their parents and their parents roll up their sleeves, welcome others, share ideas, and continue the legacy of American Legion Chapel Hill Post 6.

We are continuing that tradition and will be starting a formal weekly networking session at the post.  It will start small with just a few of our members, but it will grow in size and importance.  Want to learn more or join the group?  Sign-up