Remembering Dad

Ed GillEd Gill has a story to tell.  It is the story of his father, a Marine who was killed on Iwo Jima.  Ed was just three years old when he died a combat casualty.

Letters traveled from wherever Ed’s father might be to his young bride and now they have been passed down to Ed and his brother.  Tattered, yellowed, and fading, they remain a touchstone  to the dad he never really knew.

Ed Gill has no recollection of his dad’s voice other than a a recording his dad made in boot camp.  But, maybe now he can hear his father’s words echo as he reads and transcribes the few  letters that found their way home.

A reporter from The News of Orange County, sat down with Ed Gill and listened to his story.  It became a front page feature, above the fold (that’s a story with attention grabbing content or picture).  It is a moving and inspiring story you will enjoy sharing. You can read the story by visiting the newspaper’s website.  Just click here.

If you would like to have your own copy, stop by the paper on East King Street and pick one up.