
Watching an air drop
Watching an air drop

It’s not seen often, camaraderie, that is.  It is infrequently used and even  less actually done.  So what is Camaraderie?

Well it is defined as “mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together.”  It’s what we do at the American Legion and in the American Legion Auxiliary.

Pete Jaeger is one of many men and women in the post who share ideas, family, traditions, and travels.  He is helpful, considerate, and active.  He is the kind of friend you want to have.  He is there when you need him and help, not just when he needs you.

We are proud of our American Legionnaires here in Chapel Hill and surrounding area.  Have you ever had the opportunity to learn more about them?

Pete Jaeger, Elmer Hughes, Ed Gill, Bob Bauman, Jim Mackorell, Robert Medred, and others often join together for a local field trip just for the fun of it.  They go because they bond well with others and like to experience new things and make new friends.

Where do they go?  They seek out eclectic sites and people.  Maybe a remote steakhouse, or one hidden in the woods in Chapel Hill.  They go to ball games, visit other posts in and out of the state, go to ball games, museums, auctions, car shows, and maybe a place featured in Our State magazine or on UNC Television.

Do we have your interest piqued?  Are you interested in Road Tripping with Legionnaires? If you are, talk to any of the post officers and tell them you are interested.  We’ll go from there.

In the meantime, here is something to get you excited about what can be done within one-hour travel time from the post.  It’s Johnson’s in Siler City, a Pete Jaeger favorite.

– Lee Heavlin