Recreation Center Opens Thursday

Opening announcementPlease join us for our inaugural Post 6 poker gathering, this Thursday, Feb 26, from 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM in the lounge (the room usually locked and used by women’s auxiliary). We’ve been working the past week to get this room ready for members to come to the Post Home to spend some time with other members, and to play poker/other cards games or checkers.

We can add other entertainment possibilities at this event, as we receive your input. Computers are available for internet access, on-line training, Legion Institute training, and more.

Tim Ross donated an excellent poker table with card decks. Joel Lipsey donated a 37″ flat screen TV, which we mounted on the wall. Jim Turkaly donated more cards and checkers.

We have a low-cost cable subscription providing numerous cable stations. We’re considering music options via some audiovisual upgrades we need to make. Beer/refreshments will be available for members.  A donation to defray event costs are always welcome. We need some munchies, so bring something in to absorb the refreshments.

Our Sheraton Hotel neighbors will provide hors d’oeuvres tray for our event once each quarter in their efforts to support our post events for vets.

Please come out on Thursday afternoon to make this a new Post 6 tradition. The time and date could vary depending on popular demand.