Supporting Local Newspapers

The internet is exciting and offers a lot of options for news, but our local newspapers and radio stations are part of our hometown family. They are tuned in to what is going on and report on what they see and hear around our, no “your” town. Nothing replaces “boots on the ground” or gumshoe reporting to get and report the facts.

Today, we salute Chapel Hill News for their advance coverage of our upcoming Marathon Jam this Saturday, February 28th. We received prominent coverage in today’s Chapel Hill News (February 25th, page 3A).

Out story is not buried. It is at the top of the page, left column, top, and is a story on the event. You can’t miss it. We didn’t. Space in today’s smaller editions is at a premium.

We thank the Chapel Hill News editors for their support of this very important event. Chapel Hill Post 6 appreciates their coverage of our events, our veterans, and our community activities.

How about you? Are you supporting our local newspapers and their advertisers? Pete Jaeger said it best, “Follow your money. Let’s support those that support local veterans and our families.”

This writer supports both the Raleigh News and Observer and the Durham Herald Sun as a paid subscriber, continuously, since the summer of 1990. Why? Both newspapers continue strong local coverage and separate hometown-style papers with the Chapel Hill News and the Chapel Hill Herald.

Freedom is not free.”  Let’s support our local newspapers to keep the voice of democracy alive in our town.

– Lee Heavlin, Post Commander