Flintlock’s Morgan Horses on Display

Pete Jaeger with his Morgans

At our Post May 9th meeting we have arranged for a demonstration of America’s oldest registered breed of equine – The Morgan Horse.  Come early and share in the camaraderie with your friends,  as local horse enthusiasts show off their Morgans for your pleasure in our front yard!

Gael Jaeger will give a running dialog of this demonstration by the Beckerdite Family’s presentation of their Morgans.  She will also explain WHY the Morgan Horse was a prominent figure in America’s Military History–from Revolutionary to Civil War to Pony Express involvement!

Gael and Pete Jaeger have been involved in the breeding, raising, training and showing of Morgans for the better part of 40+ years and their contributions to the equine “industry” are many–this is just another fun way to expose others to this wonderful American breed.

Come out to the Post (early – from 5 p.m. on..) and enjoy the exhibition until dinner time. Share the event by bringing a membership prospect for Legion.  We are sure they’ll enjoy the Morgan’s!

Did you know?  The Morgan breed history is anchored deeply in the history of the U.S. military of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Their stamina, compact muscular structure, powerful hindquarters, versatility, reliability, sustainability, endurance, courage, and intelligence, made them prime candidates for military service. By the 1830’s, the Morgan horse was not only a well established, highly respected, widely sought after breed, but its versatility had become legendary. Morgans were also of the ideal size for the military, 14–15 hands, on the average.

When the Civil War broke out in April of 1861, there was a rush to arms with volunteer units being organized in every state including Vermont and New York. Morgan horses were in demand for cavalry and artillery units. These horses not only saw service as individual mounts for mounted enlisted and commissioned officers of artillery, cavalry, infantry and other combat support units, but as team horses for light artillery units
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