A Cross-Country Adventure

A journey begins.  James H. Mullens, Sergeant Major,  US Army (Retired), and his family are embarking on a cross county trip by bicycle.  James shares his story.  

“I am a 100% Disabled OIF/OEF Vet, recently retired, and I’m riding 13,000 miles around the United States, starting April 2017. I will be riding around America with my wife (also an OIF Vet) and eight year old daughter (not a VET yet), along the Atlantic coast, the Northern tier, the Pacific coast, and the Southern tier routes.”

“This undertaking will be an opportunity for us to see this great nation of ours and to meet the people my wife and I served during our years in the Army (32 years for me and 6 years for her).”

We asked him, “Why are you doing this?”  “The purpose of this undertaking is to raise awareness about Team RWB (Red, White and Blue), the VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars), the American Legion, and the IAVA (Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans Association) among Veterans and the American public. We want to let people know the good work that these organizations do providing comradeship and support to Veterans, their families and their communities. Along the route, we plan to visit with several of them to thank them in person for the support that they have provided me, my wife and the Soldiers and families I lived and worked with over the years.”

“We hope to raise $39,188–our estimated costs to support a family of three for a year on the road. The funds will defer the cost of bikes (our sole mode of transportation), a tent (our home for the next year) and other necessary camping gear, ferry fees during are journey. Any excess funds will be donated to Team RWB, VFW, American Legion, and IAVA.”

“We plan to ride 60-70 miles per day, taking one rest day every week. We expect the trip will take a full year,” he said.

We will keep track of Jim and his family as they travel across American.  We’ll link to photos, news stories, and milestones of his trip.  You can help James by joining many others in sponsoring them.  

Support James Mullens through gofundme.com.  Learn more