District 12 Meeting in May

Post 6 Officers and interested members attend the final District Meeting before the Department Convention.  The date is May 11th at 11 a.m. The guest speaker is Department Past Adjutant Frank Stancil.  Frank Stancil is also the official  Department representative for our District Elections Year 2024-25.

Commander Parise encourages post members to attend.  We will learn much from others, share our “Gold Standard,” and enjoy the camaraderie of many other Legionnaires.

If you are interested in the operation of the Americal Legion at the Department level, you are encouraged to attend.

District Commander Lewis Atwater is a candidate for Division III Commander.  He is also a Post 6 member.

Mark your calendar and reserve Saturday, May 11th, for this important meeting. It is hosted by Charles Johnson, District 12 Vice Commander and Post Commander Durham Post 7, located at 406 E Trinity Ave, Durham, NC 27701.  Click on the link for Post 7’s website and directions.

The meeting starts promptly at 11:00, but go early to meet Frank Stancil and the many post officers from our district for Food, Coffee, and other refreshments.

District and Department meetings expose members to the operations and procedures of the American Legion National headquarters as they apply to the Department and our post.