And the choice is….

This month’s post member meeting presentation unveiled multiple exterior designs for our new post home. Gurltiz Architectural Group PA of Chapel Hill, post architects, shared three designs previously considered by the post’s Design Committee and Executive Committee.
There was a lot of excitement in the air as the post was soon to be the official owners of 128 acres of farmland. The closing date was just two days away and the new post home construction will start soon.
Gurlitz shared their vision and representations of multiple building facades. We learned more about the blending of the property features with the home, driveways, and potential views. No final design was presented. This was a meeting to help the architects understand better the members’ desires for form and features.
The selected facade is shown above and is traditional/colonial in design. The rear of the building will face the post pond and social area.
Groundbreaking is expected in about 90 days.
The American Legion invites area veterans to join in their quest for a new post home. There is much to do during the next year. Why not be part of it? Learn more