Post Membership – “This Post is Jumping!”

A hearty “Thank You” to our members  for their diligence in membership renewal and recommending membership to other local veterans.  We were at 96.7% or 178 active members. We need just a few more renewals or new members to reach 100%.
Chapel Hill Post 6 has a grand opportunity to build one of the best, if not the finest, American Legion Posts in North Carolina.  A post that is welcoming and a place members will want to frequent to use the many veteran and family friendly features on our new 128 acres of Chapel Hill-Orange County.
If every one of us brought just one veteran to the post and each  decided to join, we would double our membership.  But, I know that not every guest will join up.  
We are adding two new things to help us make a difference with our guests and new members.  We will have welcome tags suspended on lanyards to identify new members and guests.  They are uniquely different and in color on a purple lanyard.  If you see a lanyard, look for the tag. 
Make our Guests welcome and help them understand more about the American Legion, our programs, and our new post home.  This was an idea of John Cocowitch–a fairly new member!  It is such a simple thing to do and we should have done it long ago.
For new members, treat them as guests or visiting family.  Take them on a tour of the building.  Identify and introduce the Adjutant, Post Commander, Sergeants-at-Arms, and other officers.  Ask if they have special needs or interests.  They are our future and the future of Post 6.
Did you check your membership card?  Does it show 2018 as the membership year?  If yes, you are all set.  If 2017,  then you are one of the few members who have not renewed.  Your active membership has expired.  See the adjutant or call him.  He help you get your membership renewed.
Don’t forget, invite a veteran to our post meeting, Tuesday, Feb 13th.  Let them see what we are doing with our new post home and share the vision and our legacy. Don’t let them tell you later, “No one asked me to join.” 
Lee Heavlin, Post Adjutant