It’s official–We now own the Ray Estate Property

In the small law office of Stewman, Booker, and Love, Post Commander Bill Munsee “seals the deal” on a new 128 acre home site for American Legion Chapel Hill Post No. 6. The new home site is off NC Highway 54 in Chapel Hill and the Legion intends to break ground in about 90 days.

We have been working on Project New Post Home for over five years.  There have been lots of meetings, discussions, soul searching, and then more of the same.  We solved the problems created by uncertainty and change by creating a Post Revitalization Committee to explore all of our options and then hold Special Meetings to consider all of the recommendations and options suggested by the Committee.

Sometimes the hardest decisions are not made.  They are not made because of fear.  Fear of change.

Our Legionnaires took their time and left their personal emotions in check. They worked hard and tirelessly.

They considered the legacy of one hundred years of Post No. 6.  They understood and respected the personal contributions and service of many hundreds of men and women from 1919 to present was at stake.  And, although there was an attachment to our existing home and beautiful site, our members decided to be bold… To be as bold were those who built our Legion Road Hut. 

They to  chose to sell their post home and property of 65 years and Build again!

A fellow Legionnaire reminded me in Raleigh today, “We have all taken the same oath of service to our Country.  It did not end when we took off our uniform.”  There is much for us to do in our community to serve our veterans, their families, and our community.

“In 1919, The American Legion was founded on four pillars: Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation, National Security, Americanism, and Children & Youth. Each of these pillars encompasses a variety of programs that benefit our nation’s veterans, its service members, their families, the youth of America and ordinary citizens.” Four Pillars of the American Legion

How about you?  Have you served in uniform?  Are you a member or former member of the American Legion?  Are you an unaffiliated member?  If yes, why not step forward and ask, “Can I join the American Legion in Chapel Hill?”  Yes, you can.  Learn how