The Passing of Tim Ross

Sadly, we share that Timothy “Tim” Ross, 83, a resident of Chapel Hill, NC, and valued member of Chapel Hill Post 6, passed on February 20, 2022, at the Cedars of Chapel Hill.

Tim is a member of our Heroes of Post 6 in recognition of his dedication and drive as a member and past officer of Chapel Post 6 during a period of Post 6 Renewal.

Tim, along with Bob Patton, was very involved in the recruitment of new post officers and members; each was approached personally because of their talents, business acumen, patriotism, and tenacity.  It was the beginnings of our formal post renewal that led to the sale of the historic Legion Road Post and building our new post home. It was a rough time at Post 6 and our core officers and members were aging and the post needed to “do the impossible, with little or no resources.” 

Past Commander Heavlin remembers him well as a visionary and benefactor. He continually asked the question, “… and why can’t we?”  Heavlin said, “He funded the stocking and restoration of our Post Pond for use by hospitalized and handicapped veterans in our area and at the Durham VA Hospital. He then worked with area Fly Fishermen to set up training sessions for the vets and then made the fishing experience available to post members and their children. The Fly Fishermen brought the gear and the talent, and the VA provided picnic supplies—we provided the cooks.” “He knew that the best way to revitalize the post was to create or reenergize post programs. Membership took off and we even earned a 100% Membership Award from the Department,” Heavlin continued.

Tim did so much more and never asked to be recognized. When he found out that he had joined our Post Heroes list, he made it a point to share his recognition by making sure others knew that there were others who needed to be recognized.  See more about Tim Ross by viewing his post website page.

Tim Ross’ funeral service will be held at Binkley Baptist Church, 1712 Willow Dr.,  Chapel Hill, NC 27514, 919-942-4964, [email protected] , on Saturday, March, 5, 2022, at 2:00 pm.  Tim will be cremated, and there will be no burial after the church service. 

Let us show our thanks and gratitude to Tim Ross by attending the Memorial Service this Saturday. A jacket and tie are always appropriate. Please wear your American Legion Blue Cap for arrival at the church. We uncover during the service.

Read more about Tim’s early post projects and program support. Visit:

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