Gone Fishing – These fish were jumping in Chapel Hill!
American Legion Chapel Hill Post 6 held its first fishing social at the Post lake on Friday, 25 March. We held it from 6-8 pm. Eight current members, a new member, and a potential member attended.

We were hoping to host some UNC veterans from the Carolina Veterans Organization, but none could attend this event. But, Wait! We’ll do it again and if you subscribe to this page, you will be among the first to know. We look forward to having young veteran fishing buddies standing alongside our current members. All veterans are always welcome.
So, How did it go? Robert Medred said, “After figuring out what the stocked trout wanted to eat, the fish were practically jumping out of the water and into a take-home bucket for future dinners.” And, you missed the event?
“Nick Cervantes, the lead member who encouraged this Post fishing event, captured at least seven fish, before I left. Others followed his fishing technique and increased their take.” he continued.
We are very fortunate to have as a member a very experienced fisherman, post member Tim Ross. Tim is always ready and willing to provide expertise, extra equipment, and assistance to the fishermen.
We still have lots of seasonal trout remaining in the pond. We need you to head on down to the pond and catch before their life cycle ends in a few months. Of course, it’s members’ only fishing or members with guests. Want to fish? Join the post!
The weather was perfect, and the beer and snacks helped with the camaraderie.
In the future we will consider grilling some fish on site and grilling other food for a picnic-like dinner.