Post Officers and Organization

New to the American Legion?  Interested in Post 6 organization and operations?  Considering serving as a post officer?  Then this page is for you.

More importantly, we want to encourage you to enroll as an American Legionnaire on the website.  It is your portal to all things American Legion, organizational manuals, and news and views about the American Legion.  All you need is your membership number and a password that you provide.  Here is your link (select MEMBER):

Post Officer duties, post committees and general local information can be found in the Post Officers Guide and Manual of Ceremonies 2024.  You should view this section to better understand the duties and responsibilities of each post officer and committee member.  Click here to view

Officer duties and regulations are contained in detain in the Post Officers Guide.  Candidates and interested members should become familiar with this manual.  It contains our National Constitution and Bylaws, procedures for Post operations, and more.  It also contains rules for conducting a meeting, memorial service, or holding an election.  Its content supersedes post bylaws when our bylaws conflict with it.  However, meeting rules are under Robert’s Rules of Order, except where local Post Bylaws otherwise direct.

Post Bylaws contain additional information on Post Officers and their duties.  (Current Bylaws are under revision.)  Download our Post 6 Bylaws

Legion College is provided by the Department of North Carolina each July in Clemmons, NC.  It is leadership training for all current and future leaders of our post.  See the Adjutant for more details, but current information appears at the NC Legion College website.

See any post officer for candid chats about their duties, responsibilities, and practical application. Yes, there is much to learn about the American Legion, but you are already on the right path.

Considering serving as an officer? Contact Sergeant-at-Arms Wally Washburn. He is willing to talk about all of the positions. Email Wally.