Veteran Services Officer

This is your home for information and assistance on ways that the American Legion can assist you as a veteran.  The category is bigger than many realize and help is online and at our Post.  Your local advocate is William “Bill” Munsee.  And, no, you do not have to be a member to receive help.  You will quickly realize that you should join us, but we are not going to hold you hostage.

Also, any help or advice is free to all veterans.  We do not charge or ask for you to give us something in return.  There are no fees charged by the VA.  If you are searching for help and ask the American Legion or the VA.  You deserve help because you earned it. 

Watch the video below, then click on the VA site link.  It can be overwhelming, but take a look around and visit a few of their links.  Here is a link to information directly from the VA.  Click here

Our Veteran Service Officer is just like you.  He understands the “system” and can be your local advocate.  Other veterans may have similar issues as yours.  It is worth a quick email to find out.  Click here to email him at [email protected].

For assistance with preplanning or urgent burial needs (flags, honor guard, grave markers,or other urgent issues) visit: Funerals




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