
Learning more about the American Legion is a journey. Here you will find information that you can use to improve your skills as a post member or officer.

“I am thankful for all of those who said NO to me. It’s because of them I’m doing it myself.” –Albert Einstein

Fees and charges for services and training.  If you have to spend money to use a resource provided or recommended on this page, you are on the wrong page or clicked on the wrong link. There are never any fees or charges for SERVICES, suggestions, or suggested resources.  This page is about empowerment.  It is to help Post leadership and members communicate better with their members and communities.  Struggling posts can pull up a chair to the communal table and learn how to do great things with with little or nothing. 

From  The American Legion Extension Institute

    We highly recommend that all new members (and even experienced members) take the on-line course from The American Legion Extension Institute our very own Basic Training for new officers.  It takes just a few hours of your time and you can start and stop as your please.  There is a small (about $5) fee, but your receive a completion certificate and pin.  As we like to say, “Just do it!”  CLICK HERE

From Legion College – Department of North Carolina

    Here is a copy of Past Post Commander and Historian Lee Heavlin’s talking points from the class.  

From Legion College Social Media and Digital Technology Class

    Lee Heavlin, Chairman Public Relations and Publications Committee, presenter, has posted on-line numerous training materials to help Post Commanders, Adjutants, and members.  He referenced these additional resources and suggested attendees take a look at them on the District 12 website.  The website, itself, is working example of a free (no hosting fees) Post or District site.  District 12 pays  only for the domain name (about $20)  and the site passes intact from District Commander to in-coming District Commander.  If you can do email, will work for you.

   In addition, District 12 has a Helpbox section, also written by Lee Heavlin, that contains a lot of additional Post-specific references, resources, and links provided to District 12 Posts.  You are sure to find a number of items that are of interest to you.  He’ll update, add, and remove items from time to time.  Bookmark the site and visit regularly.

   The site is at:  Topics are listed under the Helpbox link in the header taskbar.  Just click on Helpbox to display a drop-down menu.

Have a question?  Although Lee can not provide you with hands-on assistance, he can share his experiences and suggest possible solutions and resources to help you resolve your technology and/or post administrative support questions.  And, within District 12 he may be able to visit your post.   To send him an email, click here.

Conference Calls.  Add video to your calls for assistance.  Take a look at Zoom conferencing.  Sign up and invite Lee Heavlin to a conference call.  Cost?  It’s FREE.  You just need a video/microphone-enabled desktop or a smartphone.