We’re Moving? The Second 100 Years
Yes, it is true. After 61 years on Legion Road, we are pulling up stakes and relocating nearby. It was a tough decision and a project that was over five years in planning. We are excited and look at our changes as a necessary part of our post’s growth and continuing legacy to the community.
In the Fall of 1956, just eleven years after the end of World War II and three years after the signing of the Korean War Armistice, our members sold their first post home situated in downtown Chapel Hill on an 198 x 200 foot lot on Rosemary Street. Our membership was growing rapidly, as was the town’s population. It was time to relocate.
Now, it is time to plan for the future. We sold our property to the Town of Chapel Hill last year, but we are staying on Legion Road until 2019.
What has happened during the last year? Well, we entered into a contract to purchase property on the edge of Chapel Hill in Orange County. We found a large farm site that offered us lots of space in a growth area that has lots of veterans living nearby.
There are now several new pages on our site that are dedicated to both our new post site and the American Legion’s Centennial. They are:
- Our New Post Home – Follow our progress as we start our second 100 years.
- Post Centennial 2019 – Learn about our first 100 years and our plans for the future.
We will publish information on our new home site, the new Post buildings, and our plans for the future on these pages and their links. We do hope you will visit often and learn more about our changes.
Most of all, we invite all area veterans and non-post affiliated American Legionnaires to consider joining Chapel Hill Post 6. Our Home is your home. And, if you know of a veteran in and around Chapel Hill and Orange County, tell them that we said, “Come on by, we are here to serve you.” Contact us