Vets Honored at UNC Women’s Basketball Games

Heavlin UNC WBB (2)The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Women’s Basketball team recognizes a local veteran at each hometown Carolina game.  This project was Coach Sylvia Hatchell’s idea  several seasons ago, when she wanted to do something special on Veterans Day.

Many local veterans and active duty servicemen and women have received this honor.  It’s a fun event.   The veteran is escorted to center court just before the game, their biography is read, and the crowd stands and roars in applause.  As  Post Commander Lee Heavlin said, “It’s a  real hoot.  I mustered all my energy to walk with my shoulders Heavlin UNC WBB (1) - Copystraight and erect.  My body as  straight and military as possible.  I was about to be inspected!  I don’t think I was that erect in many a year.  It was a very proud moment.”

He continued, “When you  stand before others with your Legion cap on or in veteran’s attire, you are representing soldiers and sailors everywhere.  They applauded me, but they were also thinking of someone close to their heart.”

If you know of someone who deserves recognition for their military service or veteran’s activities, contact Rusty Edmister of Post 6.  He will see what he can do.  Remember, an honoree does not have to be a member of our post.  We are all inclusive and serve all veterans and service personnel.  Contact Rusty