Time Waits for No Man

Bob Patton shares a story

Have you sat down with Rusty Edmister and shared a story about your time in the military?  Rusty Edmister has just completed 334 interviews.  That’s a lot of storytelling.  

How about you?  You have probably never spent much time with your children or grandchildren to share your military story.  There will be a time, however, when they will want to know about your service and what you did while serving.

You have a story to tell.  It may be funny, serious, or just a wild ride through memory lane.  Whatever you want to talk about should be recorded for your family and for historical archives.

Here is a link to a story on Rusty Edmister’s oral history project.  Take a look.  Then, contact Rusty and arrange for your interview.  It will be something you will be quite proud of.

Read Rusty’s story.  Click here.