Pulling Tabs for Kids

Want to make a difference where it counts?  Have limited money to donate?  Care about kids?  Why not pull a tab for Ronald McDonald House?

American Legionnaires and Auxiliary members throughout our state collected 4,875 pounds of pull tabs from beverage cans.  They collected all of that in just three months.  We then passed them on to Ronald McDonald house where the tabs were converted to cash!

Our post donated twelve pounds last quarter.  Let’s do our best to do much better.  Can you pull a tab and  save it for the Post?  Just set them aside and when you have some to drop off, just put them in a baggie and drop them off at the post.  We have some members dropping off gallon jugs full!  How many will you bring?

Encourage your family, neighbors and friends to collect them for you, too.  You’ll feel good and proud of what you have done to make a difference to the families using Ronald McDonald House.