Orange High School Pays It Forward

Our post has been very fortunate this past year.  Many local veterans have stepped forward to provide their time and talents to help restore and renew our post.  We are in much better shape today then we have for some time.  But, what are we doing to pass along to others a similar gift with no expectation of a return reward?

Some of our post members, including the Ladies Auxiliary, are doing this on a regular basis.   Their gifts to others have bounced right back to us many times over.  Paying it forward works!

Orange High School, Hillsborough, spent the last year Paying It Forward.  They have been doing things with and for other groups.  Now it is time to thank others and to renew interest in their Pay It Forward program.  Orange High has invited local Orange County area veterans to a Pay It Forward Service Event Dinner.  The date is April 17th at 5:00 p.m. and concludes at 7 p.m.  This is the second annual event for them.

If you remember the movie, you will recall the impact one person can have on a community.  One gift can be passed along to one and then to many.  The idea behind Pay It Forward is that every person or group should seek to help three people in need of assistance without expectation of reward.  Instead, the three people who were originally helped will then look to help three new people.    Learn more

This special event recognizes the efforts of Orange High School students and faculty as it supports the community through services to others in need.  Spouses are invited to attend with a veteran.

This is a very special event for Orange High School and continues a new local tradition of service to others.  Let’s help them build a better community for all of us.

Please sign up now by registering here