National D-Day Memorial
The National D-Day Memorial announced that they are now OPEN. It is just a three-hour one way day trip to Bedford, Virginia, that is full of gently rolling hills. Learn more about the Memorial.
The story about the Bedford Boys is a tale of country kids who signed up for the National Guard to receive extra pay for weekend drills. Pearl Harbor changed all of that and the men of Bedford, Virginia, was ordered to active duty and that led to a D-Day Landing. Of the 34 men of Bedford who landed at Omaha Beach, 19 died on the beach and four more later. There were three sets of brothers from Bedford to perish.
In 2011 a Chapel Hill High School 10th-grader, Gracian D’Cruz, asked the Chapel Hill Knights of Columbus and other local veteran groups to help sponsor a project to fund the National D-Day Memorial. It was in financial trouble and local students wanted to help. Local vets led by American Legionnaires Jerry Pilarski and Lee Heavlin worked to help the students. Chapel Hill Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9100 also provided funding and support and, in June students and veterans travelled to Bedford for the 67th D-Day Commemoration events. Gene and Louise Drogos also made the trip.
Here is their story.

Garcian told his story to a crowd of over a thousand participants and spectators. It was a story of local kids making a difference and their efforts to help keep the memorial funded. Their mission was to help preserve the World War II veterans’ legacy by “keeping their legacy living.” His remarks moved the audience. His speech served as the inspiring lead-in to a request for audience participation with a donation. Watch, listen, and be proud.”
Garcian D’Cruz story; L Heavlin, shared courtesy of