Legion College Prepares Future Leaders

Did you know that all American Legion meetings are open to post members?  You can sit in, but you can not vote.  You can observe the open discussions and, if recognized by the chair, you can address the Post Executive Committee or any of the many Post Committees.  Committee vacancies are often filled by members who show an interest in a committee by participation, support, and volunteering.  

Preparing for a leadership  position in the post  starts through volunteerism.  There are many members who have significant business, legal, medical, and craftsman skills. If this includes you, consider attending Legion College or the American Legion Online program, BASIC TRAINING.

In July the Department hosts a Legion College.  This is where post members, officers, and the curious gather to learn more about the American Legion.  It’s where we get to hear from Post, Division, and Department leaders on topics of importance to local posts.  How about you?  Are you curious?  Here are several links to more information.  Check it out and plan on attending the Raleigh event in mid-July 2022.

You can also go online and  take the American Legion basic training course now!  Learn more about BASIC TRAINING