Learning More About the Legion

Ever wonder about the American Legion’s inner workings?  You can learn about the operation, history and much more by

  • Mentoring with a Legionnaire and gaining on-hand experience
  • Exploring materials provided in print or on-line by the American Legion
  • Attending Legion College (each July in Clemmons, NC), or
  • American Legion Extension Institute On-Line Training

Lyle Miller, our Scouting Chairman and Chartered Organization Representative, volunteered to work with Troop 505 as our Charter liaison, but he felt he lacked a strong knowledge of the American Legion regulations and procedures.  He found that what he needed as help was readily available on-line.  Lyle signed up for the Legion Extension Institute, took the course, and is now a proud graduate.

We congratulate Lyle for his work with our scouts and for taking the extra effort to strengthen his knowledge of the American Legion and Scouting.  He was recognized this year in January by the Scouts as the Orange District, Occoneechee Council, BSA, Chartered Organization Representative of the Year!

How about you?  Want to make a difference and learn more about the American Legion?

  • The American Legion Extension Institute has been rewritten, updated, streamlined and enhanced with videos, digital photos, clickable links, a historical timeline and additional features. To register and take the course, visit www.legion.org/alei(Due to high traffic volume, you may experience some delays. If you experience delays, please try again later.) The program should take less than two hours to complete. It is divided into six sections, with a quiz at the end of each one, followed by a final exam.

The course sections closely follow the Legion’s Four Pillars of service. They include:

    • History & Organization
    • Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation
    • National Security
    • Americanism
    • Children & Youth

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHn-X46uHyk&w=560&h=345]