Fishing Rodeo – Scouting at its best

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAA Fishing Rodeo is set for Boy Scout Troop 505 and Venture 505 for Saturday, April 16th, from 9 to 3. Our Scouts have graciously invited all the Boy Scout Troops from Orange and Chatham Counties to join them.

Our Post is trying to encourage fishing and at the same time help rid the pond of seasonal trout that were stocked last fall.

The North Carolina Wildlife Commission is providing 25-30 rods with reels and other materials for scouts needing gear, but more would be helpful as backups. Lunch and beverages will be provided.

We understand that a variety of awards may be made for categories like largest fish, in various categories (e.g., trout, bass, crappy, catfish and so on). How big are our fish? Tim Ross, a member and booster of all things Scouting and Fishing, reported, “I recently caught a 10 pound grass carp!” What about you?

Are you ready? It’s your chance to add a few fish stories to your library of fun time in the American Legion fishing and supporting our local scouts.