Efland Seafood Festival Benefits Veterans – April 29-30

Vice Commander Jim Parise reports that Post 6 Legionnaires and family members are heading to Efland to enjoy their Annual Seafood Festival.  They will also setup a table for the American Legion to tell our Post 6 story.  You can help, just contact Jim Parise at the Post.

The festival is on April 29th and 30th and supports the Hillsborough Sport Fishing Club‘s annual fishing trip for veteran outdoor groups across the state.

The News of Orange County reports that there will be food for all tastes and entertainment for young and old.  Brooke McBride, a native of North Carolina and Nashville recording artist, will perform.  There are a lot of other music performers on the schedule, too.  6,000 or more people are expected over the two days and the sponsors are ready to provide lots of seafood. 

There is a charge of $20 at the gate ($25 on Saturday), but you will be handed a plate which entitles the holder to  a plate of fish and shrimp.  There will also be more fish items for purchase as you stroll around and enjoy the music.  If you are not a fish eater (really?), there will be hamburgers, hot dogs, and barbecue available for sale.

Where will it be held?  It’s at the Efland Ruritan Club Rodeo Grounds at 3009 Forrest Ave, Efland. (just off US Route 70)  Google map it