Cub Scouts Hold Camporee

The Orange District Boy Scouts of America will hold their annual Cub Scout Boy Scout Camporee in Chapel HillNCat the American Legion Chapel Hill Post 6.  This will occur on April 27 and run through the 29th.  The Camporee theme is Boy Scout Olympiad with a host of competitive activities throughout the day Saturday, April 28, 2012.  Over 400 cub scouts will participate during the three-day event.

The Camporee will be visited by many local emergency first responders and the UNC Air Care Helicopter Tar Heel 1 (TH-1).

Cub Scouts prepared the American Legion Post grounds for this event by holding a pre-event field day last Saturday to dress up the fields and camp site area.  The grounds look great.

Ed Gill, Thomas Rule, and Bob Medred, assisted by Mike Kalos of the Scouts, finished painting the exterior of the post hut just in time for this important event.  The building looks its best in years.

The American Legion sponsors Boy Scout Troop 505 and provides space for Troop 39 equipment.  We are always proud to help our local scouts.  The Chapel Hill American Legion Post was chartered in 1919 and we have supported scouting since our beginning.  They are an important link in our efforts to support local community services and activities.

The American Legion will hold a flag disposal demonstration and training event on Saturday evening.  American Legion Jr. Vice Commander Edward Gill will officiate.