Carolina Angels Look Over Our Post

DSCF0637The Carolina Angels of Carrboro have been supporting active military troops for several years by sending them care packages.  Each year they assist other local veterans and this year they have chose our post.

The Carolina Angels held a special salute and recognition event for veterans at Carolina Spring in Carrboro on Saturday, July 12th.  Second Vice Commander Robert Medred and Post Adjustant Edward Gill, accompanied by Karen Gill,  attended and accepted a gift to the post in the amount of $200.

Nancy and Rick Romano with Karen Gill
Nancy and Rick Romano with Karen Gill

Rick and Nancy Romano, members of our post an auxiliary, recommended Chapel Hill Post 6 for consideration, because of the current revitalization program and our efforts to raise money for the Post.

The Carolina Angels purchase personal care products and nonperishable food items each month and during the past fiscal year were also able to purchase a large number of official military socks, as well as several quilts (to support a special request of a military chaplain supporting troops in Afghanistan).

The Carolina Angels raise funds for the group’s support of our troops project by selling baked goods and serving breakfast the second Saturday of each month. The bake sale items are usually donated, as are the breakfast items that they sell.  The Money made each DSCF0651month is used for the items they mail to the four service members serving overseas.  The troops who are chosen for packages are selected by the military clergy.

Each year the Carolina Angels usually make one or two Donations to veteran’s organizations or support groups, depending on any leftover funds we may have.