Troop 505 Joins Our Post

Troop 505, led by Scoutmaster Robert Shaw West, held their first meeting at the post last night. It was a standing room only crowd with just about every available chair filled by an eager scout or troop leader.

The troop was welcomed by the post commander who gave a talk on the history of the Legion, our post and the Scouts. All three were formed 92 years ago! Commander Heavlin introduced the post leadership (1st Vice Commander Tim Ross and 2nd Vice Commander Ed Gill) and members of the post representing World War II, Korea, Vietnam and the current conflict. Darrell Kohr, Tom Chegash, and Elmer Hughes talked about their service and why scouting was important to them. Tom Chegash also introduced the scouts to Gene Drogos and his service in the Navy aboard airships (blimps) and P-2 aircraft and their job patrolling for submarines.

Our local history, 92 years of service to Chapel Hill, was a highlight of the night. The scouts were taken on a journey back to the post’s beginnings on Rosemary Street and our Post Hut. Our post was a frequent stop for many in Chapel Hill, as the town did not have many places that could host a large gathering.

Original Post 6 Hut on Rosemary St.

Our first hut was rented for just $5 or $10 for birthdays, parties, receptions, political events and weddings. It was one of two log cabins that served as the go to event spots in Chapel Hill and Carrboro. The other site was the old Webb family cabin on Hillsborough Rd. It is still there and visible from the road, but it is not now used.

There are many other stories of American Legion civic action in Chapel Hill for the scouts to learn, but we are about to make our own history with today’s youth.