Scouting Court of Honor – Feb 4th
Troop 505 and Venture 505 are holding a Court of Honor on Wednesday, February 4, at 7:30 p.m. All post members are invited and encouraged to attend.
There are numerous awards for presentation, but there are two American Legion awards, too. They are:
- Lyle Miller, Adult Scouter National Training Scholarship of $250
- Arthur Lee Franklin, Eagle Scout for a High Adventure Scholarship of up to $1,000.
- Lyle Miller, national recognition through award of the Boy Scout Square Knot Award. The American Legion approved the nomination and awarded the Boy Scout Square Knot Award to Lyle.
We are all very proud of our Scouts and the contributions they are making to the post and to the community. We are fortunate to have one of the best scouting programs in the state.