Project Healing Waters Returns

The Triangle Fly Fishermen are returning to American Legion Post 6 for a morning of fishing and a noon-time a cook-out on Thursday, June 21st.  They will be starting at 9:00 AM and go until mid-afternoon.

This is their Second Annual event.  They reported that they had a great time and we invited them back for another visit.  A special thanks goes to Tim Ross for starting this program for our veterans.  Read about last year’s event.

The lake has been stocked with an assortment of fish, including some respectable bass and catfish.  The fly fishermen will be bringing a few of their bigger flies in the hope they will be able to catch a few of the larger fish.

Watch a video of last year’s event.  Click here:  3ctxL9yfBd9NrFkyqmc4Pw?