Post No. 6 Constitution and Bylaws Update

The Post’s Annual Meeting is in May of each year (May 11, 2021).  This is when changes to our Constitution and Bylaws are voted on by the post members.  In addition, there are Post Elections and selection of Convention Delegates and Alternates the Department of North Carolina, American Legion, convention in June.

The Constitution and Bylaws of Chapel Hill Post No. 6 were last reviewed and updated, and finally accepted by Post Membership on May 13, 2003.  Seventeen years have passed, and we were well beyond a normal five-year review.  Concurrent with our project to update our constitution and bylaws, the Department was taking similar action to deal with numerous changes in both the National and Department of North Carolina Constitutions and Bylaws.  Any changes to the Constitution or Bylaws at the National or Department level supersedes post bylaws.

On November 18, 2020, the Department of North Carolina advised all Posts that “At the  Fall Conference meeting of the Department Executive Committee held by Zoom on October 23, 2020, authority was given by an approved motion for the Department Judge Advocate to draw up a Post Constitution and Bylaws template to be used by any post in the Department of North Carolina whose Post C&B had not already been approved by the Judge Advocate and filed with the Department Headquarters before October 23, 2020.”

Chapel Hill Post No. 6 merged our in-process update with the template provided by the Department.  The final product, approved by the Post Executive Committee on February 4, 2021, was submitted to the Department Judge Advocate for review and approval.  With required changes in context, a revised version was resubmitted to the Department Judge Advocate.  We received approval of our Constitution and Bylaws, as amended, on April 8, 2021. 

Our final steps are in motion.  The Department approved Chapel Hill Post No. 6 Constitution and Bylaws are hereby posted for review by the post membership.  Post members may view or download them from our Post Website,  This posting serves as publication of the Post Bylaws in accordance with Chapel Hill Post No. 6 Bylaws, Article XI, dated May 13, 2003. 

In addition, the revised Chapel Hill Post No. 6 Bylaws will be read at the April 13, 2021, general post meeting.  The Post Executive Committee will hold a final vote on the Chapel Hill Post No. 6 proposed Constitution and Bylaws at their regular meeting on Thursday, May 6, 2021.  A vote by the general membership for approval of Chapel Hill Post No. 6 Constitution and Bylaws by a two-thirds vote of members present, will be held on May 11th, 2021, at the Chapel Hill Post No. 6 Annual Meeting.  This timeline and member notification is in accordance with Chapel Hill Post No. 6 Bylaws, Article XI, dated May 13, 2003. 

For reference regarding application and usage of Roberts’ Rules of Order, the following is a part of our existing Bylaws, and is as similarly used in National, Department, and Post Bylaws, as well as our new Bylaws:



Section 1.  All proceedings of this American Legion Post shall be conducted under and pursuant to Roberts’ Rules of Order, except as herein otherwise provided.

When Roberts’ Rules of Order conflict with Post Bylaws, Post Bylaws are followed.
