Post 6 Wins State Recognition – Web Site Award
Chapel Hill Post No. 6, American Legion, was honored this month at the Department of North Carolina Mid-Winter Conference. Our post won First Place in the Web Site Award competition.
A lot of stories have been filed and this is number 255! They have reported on post activities, our members, our activities, our heroes, and our losses. Our reported stories shared our events and our community activities. These stories are your stories and, therefore, you each share in the award.
We consistently get lots and lots of visitors to our website. Visits average 80 per day or 560 a week.
We look forward to publishing many more articles on our American Legionnaires and Ladies Auxiliary, as we prepare for our one-year 100th Anniversary celebration starting in 2018 for 2019.
The Department award will be presented to the post during the 2016 State Convention in Raleigh, Nc.