Post 6 Honor Guard Serves at Department Mid-Year Conference

Post Commander Jim Parise announced special recognition to the Post Honor Guard and especially Sergeants-at-Arms Lance Kress and Wally Washburn.  Lance and Wally attended the Department of North Carolina Mid-Year Conference and served as members of the Department Honor Guard and “posted the colors” at the conference.

Commander Parise stated, “The Post 6 Honor Guard brings precision and formality to the meeting and recognition of our post as the Gold Standard. At each Department Sergeant-at-Arms meeting I am asked if Post 6 will be handling the honors.”

Steve Youngdeer American Legion Post 143, Cherokee, NC, attended in full regalia, for the traditional noon assembly of Legionnaires at the conference hotel entrance for the Department’s traditional flag ceremony.  American Legion Post 143 is the “first Native American Post in the Country.”

Our armory is now complete and ready to receive our ceremonial equipment.  All Post members are eligible for membership in the Post Honor Guard.  The honor guard has served at funerals, dedications, post events, meetings, and in the community.  They are often the first to be noticed and recognized in our community as American Legionnaires. All members are encouraged to wear their American Legion Blue Cap when they attend town meetings or civic patriotic events. Wearing the blue cap is a Legionnaire’s  official uniform, so be sharp and wear a tie and/or sport jacket at events.  We are the face of the 2 million plus members of the American Legion.  Learn more about uniform etiquette.