National Commander Addresses Unequal Treatment

National Commander James “Bill” Oxford shared his thoughts on current events facing our Nation and The American Legion.  His message is timely and important to all of our members for are we are one–We Are The American Legion. We have linked to his message and you can view it here.

And, here in Chapel Hill, we are  committed to equality for all. Our new post home is all inclusive.  It is open to and for all veterans.

Post Commander Bill Munsee shared his thoughts today in his most recent Note from the Commander.  Here is part of what he said.

“As we begin our transition to the new Post, I hope we do so with a dream of equality for all where, as Martin Luther King Jr. said, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but my the content of their character.” I am personally very thankful for all of the minorities we have at our Post and I am even more thankful for their exceptional contributions to our membership and our Post. Now that we have the nicest Post in the United States, I think it is very important that we have the most inclusive Post in the United States…with liberty and justice for all.”

There is more to share and you can view his Note From the Commander No. 20 by clicking on this link.  Note from Commander #20 061520