Loss of Pete Jaeger

Pete Jaeger

It is with deep regret that we share with you the loss of former Post 6 Vice Commander Frank “Pete” Jaeger.  Pete passed away today after an extended illness and fight with cancer.

Pete was a driving force in the post’s renewal project, raised American Legion awareness in the community, supported and coordinated fundraising projects, invited many new members (many of which became active and productive in the post’s renewal program), and so much more.  A project he continued up until last month and all during his chemo treatment period, was to mow the post lawn.  When challenged on this, because he should have been taking it easy, he said, ….”Well… you know the fact is that I get a lot of enjoyment out of mowing this grass.  I get a lot of new ideas out there.  There is a lot that can be said about taking a quiet drive all alone.  I get a kick out of it. Oh, and don’t tell Gail that I was here.”  Gael knew all the while and she, too, understood.

In a tribute to Pete, our post adjutant said, “Personally and when I was Post Commander, I counted on Pete as a close friend, confident, and advisor.  And, when I was in deep trouble…which was often…Pete came up with some unique ways to help.  Most of all, he used his seemingly unlimited ability to encourage others to help the American Legion and to become very active.  He was one of the pillars that kept the post intact and growing during a very difficult period.  Pete will be missed.”

Other post members and friends of Pete Jaeger also shared their thoughts today.   

  • “He will be truly missed by all that knew him. He was a great example to all at Post 6!”  Buddy & Mary Fuller
  • “Really always a nice guy, had great story or two, had a great sense of humor.  Wish i was more like him.  My tears are flowing.” Tim Ross

Funeral details are pending with family.  There will be a service at the Post.  We shall provide details as they become available.

Please keep Gail and the Jaeger Family in your prayers.