Legion Training On-line

How do you learn about being a Legionnaire?  How do you know the rules on organization and management of our 93 year old American Legion?  You go to school, attend district meetings, and visit other posts.

The Department of North Carolina hosts an annual Legion College in July.  It is a two day event that is packed with informative classes, group sessions, and leadership training.  It costs very little and is held in Clemmons, NC.  Too far to go?  How about going on-line and taking an extension course!

You can now take the Legion Extension Institute course on your computer!  Study at your own pace.  Cost is only $4.95.  You should take the course even if you attend the Legion College.  They compliment each other.  Register for on-line course

So, why not be a mover and a shaker in the Post.  Know the rules, set the pace, help others to better understand how our organization works.  You will then be ready to answer any question about us as you proudly proclaim, “I am an American Legionnaire!”

Watch for posts on uniforms, caps, Legion Baseball, and other programs.