Legion College – Boot Camp for the Young and Old Alike

Have you ever sat in at an American Legion meeting or across the table when “smoke” seemed to fill the air and you thought, “That can’t be right?”  Well, this writer will warn you that what you hear in a conversation, at the Post, or in a District meeting may be true, close to the answer, or just plan misunderstood.  Well, you can take heart and know that each year the Department of North Carolina hand-picks their best talent to put on their teacher’s cap and serve as a speaker or instructor at the annual Legion College — this year held in Clemmons, NC.

As one of items of special interest to members of the Post Executive Committee (PEC) and reaffirmation of the American Legion Four Pillars, you are strongly urged to consider attending.  You do not have to be a post officer to participate.  However, if you do attend, you are making a critical first step towards a leadership role in the American Legion.  

Here is what the Department has posted on their website: 

Judge Advocate Gaither Keener address the 2021 Legion College

“The Department of North Carolina, through it’s Leadership Development Committee, held it’s first “Legion College” in the summer of 1985. The 2023 Legion College will be held July 21-22, 2023 at the Village Inn in Clemmons, NC.    

The program enhances knowledge and appreciation of The American Legion, and it teaches the core values and contributions of the organization, the American Legion Auxiliary, Sons of The American Legion and many subordinate programs. The overall expertise gained during the classroom and small group sessions prepares young Legionnaires for leadership positions in posts, districts, counties and departments through education, development and motivation. The curriculum challenges the upcoming leaders to think critically and creatively about issues confronting the Legion.”

There is much more online at nclegion.org.  CLICK HERE

Reservations are made by application to the Department.  Cost, forms, and a schedule are found HERE.

Warning, you should make your reservations soon.  Hotel cutoff for the discounted rate ends on July 11, 2023.

Room Rate is $89.00 plus tax
Room Rate Cutoff is Jul 11th, 2023
Everyone is responsible for making their own hotel reservations.
Book Legion College reservations with the Clemmons Village Inn by calling either 800-554-6416 or 919-872-2323. 

A final note from the Post Historian….   Our post is over 100 years young.  We, meaning your Post Commander, Jim Parise, and the PEC, are dedicated to continuing the long history and traditions of Chapel Hill Post No. 6.  Each member of the Commander’s team started their journey that led to a post leadership role by taking advantage of every opportunity to learn how to best serve the Post, the District, and even the Department.  If you can not attend Legion College, there are several options still open to you.  Here is a list with links to materials, people, and services that will help you: